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After installing Chocolatey, it can be used in PowerShell or Command Prompt. There are a lot of commands available, and can be listed by running the following command:

choco list -lo
Command Description
list lists remote or local packages
search searches remote or local packages
info retrieves package information
install installs packages from various sources
pin pins a package to suppress upgrades
outdated retrieves packages that are outdated
upgrade upgrades packages from various sources
uninstall uninstalls a package


Command Description
Find a package
choco list List all chocolatey packages
choco list --local-only List installed packages
choco search zip Search packages mentionning "zip"
choco search --by-tag compression Search packages by their tags
choco search --by-id-only zip Search packages with "zip" in the package name
choco search --order-by-popularity zip Filter and sort by package results by popularity
choco search --approved-only zip Only return approved packages
choco info 7zip Get information about 7zip package
choco install 7zip Install
choco install 7zip --install-directory=P:\7z Install to a specific directory
choco list --localonly List installed packages
choco outdated List upgradable packages
choco upgrade all -y Upgrade all packages
choco pin list List pinned packages
choco pin add --name 7zip Suppress upgrades for 7zip
choco pin remove --name 7zip Supress upgrades supression for 7zip ;)
Switches Description
--help Prints out the help menu.
--install-directory=VALUE Install Directory Override
-y, --yes Confirm all prompts.
-f, --force Force the behavior.
--what-if Don't actually do anything, simulate.
--execution-timeout=VALUE The time to allow a command to finish.
--fail-on-standard-error Fail on standard error output (stderr).
--use-system-powershell Execute PowerShell using an external process.
--debug Show debug messaging.
--verbose Show verbose messaging.
--trace Show trace messaging.
--log-file=VALUE Log File to output to in addition to regular loggers.
--no-color Do not show colorization in output.
--limit-output Limit the output to essential information.
--no-progress Do not show download progress percentages.
--allow-unofficial-build Allow the use of an unofficial build.

Optional GUI

If you want to use a GUI for Chocolatey, you can install the Chocolatey GUI with the following command:

choco install chocolateygui -y

Chocolatey GUI